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Accredited Laboratories

Health Physics Division has three laboratories which been accredited by Taiwan Accreditation Foundation (TAF) based on Chinese National Laboratory Accreditation (CNLA) system.

Personnel dosimeter reading laboratory

TAF/CNLA registered laboratory number 0126

PDL is also commissioned to monitor and assess the in vitro dose of radiation workers in industry, agriculture, medical institutions and academic facilities which using the ionizing radiation sources or radioactive substances.


Portable radiation survey meter calibration facility

TAF/CNLA registered laboratory number 0304

Facility provide calibration service to users in industry, agriculture, academy and medical institutes for them to evaluating the accuracy and precision of radiation survey apparatuses used.


Radioactive measurement laboratory

TAF/CNLA registered laboratory number 0739

Laboratory provide radioactivity tests for radiation protection and radionuclide analysis in related fields.